Equipment Rental
Elbee at Equipment Locker

Equipment Rentals

How Do I Pay?

  • To get your gear, stop by the SRWC Outdoor Shop, located at the Rock Wall, during opening hours and speak to one of our attendants. Please have your student ID number ready.
  • Let us know what gear you would like to rent. All equipment rentals are charged a daily rate. A deposit is required for all rentals and is refundable upon return of all equipment without damage or missing components.
  • Pay at the Outdoor Shop with one of our accepted payment methods according to the daily price + rental deposit fee.
  • Accepted payments include Discover, Mastercard, and Visa. Cash is not accepted. Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay are not accepted.

What is the Deposit?

  • The damage deposit is to ensure that our equipment is returned in a timely manner and in good condition.
  • We understand that with use comes dirt and general wear, resulting in the need to clean the gear between uses. However, excessive mud, moisture, holes, rips, burns, or missing components will result in the withholding of part or all of your deposit. In these cases, a cleaning fee or additional damage fee may be charged.
  • Deposits may be withheld until the actual cost of damages can be calculated.
  • Rental deposit amounts will correlate with the price of daily rental fees. Prices are as follows.
Daily Rental Price Total Deposit Amount
$1 - $25 $25
$26 - $50 $50
$51 - $100 $100
$101 - $150 $150
$150+ $200

S5 Box